• What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the insertion of fine needles into the body at specific points which have been empirically proven effective in the treatment of specific disorders. These points have been mapped by the Chinese over a period of 5000 years. Recently their location has been confirmed by electromagnetic research.
• Does Acupuncture hurt?
In Chinese, acupuncture is 'bu tong', painless. However, if the correct stimulus of the needle has been obtained, the patient should feel some cramping, heaviness distention, tingling warmth, either around the needle or travelling up
or down the affected energy pathway or meridian. If there is any discomfort, it is usually mild.
• Are the needles sterile?
Most acupuncturists use pre-sterilised individually packaged, disposable needles making sure there is no transmission of communicable disease.
• Do Acupuncturists only insert needles?
No. There are a number of adjunctive therapies. These include Moxabustion, which is the burning of the herb Artennis Vulgaris (Mugwort) over an affected area to warm it, cupping, electronic stimulation, Laser magnetotherapy, various types of massage, such as acupressure, Shiatsu, Tulna.
• How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture regulates and restores a harmonious energetic balance of the body. It does this by use of the points: shunting energy or Qi to areas where it is deficient and draining it from where there is an excess. Qi and blood travel throughout the body in channels similar to nerves and blood circulatory system, but not identical. An excess of deficiency of Qi or blood in any particular area manifests as a disorder, e.g. headache, sore eyes, angina.
• How many treatments will I need?
That depends on the nature of the disorder. Usually 5-15 treatments are adequate for the majority of chronic disorders. Many acute conditions, such as Musculo Skeletal conditions may only require a single treatment and some degenerative conditions may require scores of treatments. Because the underlying cause is being addressed, and not just the symptoms, more than one treatment is often required.
• What can I expect after a treatment ?
One may experience an immediate, total or partial relief of their pain or other symptoms. The relief may last or some of the pain may return. In a few cases, the pain may seem even worse. This is called the rebound effect. Up to 48 hours later the rebound effect should disappear and a noticeable improvement be felt. Treatments have an accumulative effect, so one should see further improvement after each subsequent visit. Often the most dramatic results are experienced in the first treatment.
Most people have more questions:
Should I continue taking my present medication?
What should I eat?
Is there anything I can do for myself at home?
What signs of success should I look for first and after how long?
What other reading can I do?